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Why Should I Sing?: Part Two

Jonathan Freed

Welcome to the second part of “why should I sing?” In part 1, we looked at a few reasons why God calls us to sing together even though it might not be our natural gifting. Let’s continue to dive into the topic of singing and the church, as we look for answers to this question! 


If we are honest with ourselves, we probably don’t think of singing as much more than something that brings us enjoyment. This is certainly not a bad way to think, because I believe God designed singing to engage our emotions, minds, and spirits for His glory.  However, we must start thinking of musical worship, not as primarily a way to please ourselves, but to please God. I’ll be the first to admit this is not an easy thing to do! Our entire culture is based on consumerism and buying/doing things which please us the most. This certainly includes media and music. There is a reason everyone has their own preference of musical and lyrical style, and if we are not careful, we can fall into the trap of thinking, “if I didn’t like the song, then I can’t worship.” I do not think God is looking as much at the musical style of songs as much as He is looking at the heart of the one who is singing it. This might lead you to the question, “if musical preference isn’t a primary factor to God, how can I please Him by singing?” I’m glad you asked!  


There are a few ways that we can please God with our singing that I’d like to unpack in this post. First and foremost, is to select songs which theologically hold up to the Word of God. There may be some great sounding songs, but they aren't worth singing if they are theologically incorrect. Aside from that, let’s assume all the songs we sing are theologically sound, here are a few ways we can please God with our worship through singing together:  



First, I’d like to challenge you with the thought that we please God by evangelizing while we sing. This might be a foreign idea to you, and I can understand why. You might be thinking, “I thought you had to share the Gospel to evangelize to someone.” Well, you wouldn’t be wrong with this thought, and I would argue that singing songs that clearly walk through the Gospel is in fact a way of evangelizing to those around us. At the very least it’s a way of spreading the truth. 

Some definitions of the word evangelize are: “to talk about how good you think something is”, or “to share beliefs, especially Christian ones, with other people.” Think of Paul and Silas sitting in prison (Acts 16). The Word tells us that after being arrested, beaten, and put in stocks, around midnight they were praying and singing hymns to God.  Let’s just stop there for a moment and think about that! What would your first inclination be after being arrested? Maybe to start making your case on why you were wrongfully accused? Perhaps to make your one phone call to someone who could possibly bail you out. Paul and Silas used their “one phone call” to pray and sing to God! 

If you keep reading the very next sentence says, “and the other prisoners were listening to them” (Acts 16:25b). Here we see Paul and Silas being faithful to God by blessing Him in the direst of circumstances. Maybe the prisoners didn’t have any intention of listening to a conversation with Paul about the Gospel. What an opportunity to share the gospel with those who might not want to enter a conversation with you! How often do we take the dark times in life to praise God in front of others?

I think there’s a powerful testimony in singing hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs (Col 3:16) in front of those who don’t know Christ, especially during the darkest valleys we walk through. As we gather on Sunday morning, I’d encourage you to sing to tell the good news to those around you. Believers and unbelievers alike need to hear the good news of Christ and be reminded of His sacrifice and what that means to us.  So, like Paul and Silas, let’s be a church that evangelizes through the songs we sing!  


Did you know that when you sing during a worship service, you’re praying? It may not feel like it because the lights on the stage are bright and our eyes are open, but it’s true. Did you know there’s no difference between someone standing on stage praying and someone leading a song that’s directed to God? The only difference is that when we sing together, we are praying the same thing together in unison as well. I think this is extraordinary! There is power behind a church that can proclaim God’s truth passionately together week after week.

Take the song Holy Forever by Chris Tomlin for example:  


Your name is the highest, Your name is the greatest 

Your name stands above them all 

All thrones and dominions, all powers and positions 

Your name stands above them all 


This is a song we’ve prayed together during our services. The language is clear that we are talking to God and declaring His greatness and power together. This is a simple truth to grasp, but I believe it is a powerful one. I think if we could really understand that when we sing, we pray, our minds would become more fully engaged with the truths we are praying together. We would be less inclined to read the lyrics from the screen and more inclined to have a prayerful conversation every time we gather. Our worship will grow deeper as we engage with God through praying as we sing.

The book of Psalms is a prayer book and was certainly used as prayers as they were spoken and sung alike. As God speaks to us through His Word, we respond by singing and praying together and thus enter a back-and-forth conversation with the God of the universe.  How wonderful is this truth!? It's even more wonderful when we realize that by singing with the congregation, we are all participating together!  More than just one person praying and others listening.  We are all praying/singing together in affirmation and proclamation as the Body of Christ!  

-Pastor Jonathan

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