Are you failing in your calling to be salt and light in the world? I’d like to make the case that it is our clear duty and responsibility to vote. When Christians fail to vote, we fail to carry out the sacred responsibility of being good stewards of the nation God has provided for us.
We have often heard it said, “We should render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” The point here is that we should render to the government what is necessary for the government to function. In America, “We the People,” ARE the government- “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” We elect people to represent us and to make decisions on our behalf. Romans 13:1-6 talks about being submissive to authorities but look closely at verse 4, which calls rulers “servants” and verse 6, which calls them “ministers” of God.
It is our responsibility to elect men and women who will carry out God’s plan and His purposes for our country. Exodus 18:21, “…choose able men from all the people, such as fear God, men who are trustworthy and who hate a bribe; and place such men over the people as rulers…” We cannot elect representatives to carry out God’s plan unless we know where God stands on the issues AND take the time to look at the stance candidates take on those issues.
Questions that keep coming to my mind are:
What is important to God?
What issues does He care about?
And how should I prioritize these issues?
What is most important to Him?
Wisdom, God’s wisdom, is what each of us need to know how best to vote. Thankfully, James 1:5 tells us that “if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”
Let us consider how we, the Government in America, should best be “salt and light” in this world and fulfill the obligation we must be good stewards of this nation. May we all seek God’s wisdom for direction and put that direction into action by voting. “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.”
-Holly Rich, RFBC Member